Saturday, February 7, 2009

25 - drugs in pregnancy mcqs - part 1

1q: antitubercular drug contraindicated in pregnancy ?

a. streptomycin
b. rifampicin
c. INH
d. ethambutol
e. pyrazinamide

answer: a . streptomycin . there is no evidence that pyrazinamide is safe in pregnancy , so it should be avoided unless and until it is absolutely necessary .

2q: antimalarial drug to be avoided in pregnancy ?

a. chloroquine
b. quinine
c. primaquine
d. anti-folates

answer: c and e . primaquine and tetracyclines . primaquine is known to cause hemolysis if the baby is G6PD deficient and tetracyclines cause dental damage .

3q: antiepileptic which is not associated with congenital malformation when used in pregnant women ?

b. phenobarbitone
c. carbamazepine
d. valproate

answer: b . phenobarbitone . carbamazepine is also relatively safe in pregnancy .

4q: which of the following antiepileptic is least likely to cause malformation in fetus during pregnancy ?

a. phenytoin
b. carbamazepine
c. sodium valproate
d. phenobarbitone

answer: d . phenobarbitone .

5q: consequence of maternal use of cocaine is ?

a. hydrops
b. sacral agenesis
c. cerebral infarction
d. hypertrichosis

answer: c . cerebral infarction .

6q: a pregnant mother is treated with oral anticoagulant . the likely congenital malformation that may result in the fetus is ?

a. long bones limb defect
b. cranial malformation
c. cardiovascular malformation
d. chondrodysplasia punctata

answer: d . chondrodysplasia punctata .

7q: which does not cross placenta ?

a. heparin
b. morphine
c. naloxone
d. warfarin

answer: a . heparin .

8q: a child born with multiple congenital defects including cleft palate , neural tube defect , ASD and microcephaly , which of the following drug was probably used by the mother ?

a. erythromycin
b. isotretinoin
c. ibuprofen
d. metronidazole

answer: b . isotretinoin

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